Litcube May 2017 Unboxing: Princess of Thieves
Litcube May 2017 Unboxing: Princess of Thieves Readable: Lady of Sherwood by Molly Bilinski Wearable: Exclusive "And yet she...

Shelflove Crate Debut Box Unboxing: May 2017 Witches & Matchmakers
Here are the contents of this amazing debut box! -Exclusive The Darkling Inspired Tote bag by @MissPhi -Exclusive Bellatrix candle by...

Wires and Nerve (A YA Graphic Novel Review)
Wires and Nerve is a graphic novel spin-off of The Lunar Chronicles. It follows the adventures of Iko. This was a nice, fast read. It...

NerdyPost Fantastic Beasts Partial Box Unboxing
NerdyPost Alexis now has past boxes at varying price points, including full and partial boxes. She also has t-shirts and other nerdy...

The YA Chronicles Unboxing: April 2017 Bippity Boppity Book
The YA Chronicles April 2017 Volume 20 Bippity Boppity Book Book: The Secret Science of Magic by Melissa Keil Harry Potter Inspired...

The Last of August (A YA Book Review)
The Last of August by Brittany Cavallaro The Last of August picks up where A Study in Charlotte left off. Charlotte Holmes and Jamie...

FairyLoot Unboxing: April 2017 Dreams & Wishes
Fairyloot April 2017 Dreams and Wishes To The Stars Ceramic Mug by Risa Rodil Little Dreamer Tote Bag by Miss Phi Gemstone Notebook by...

BookLoot Unboxing: April 2017 Victorian at a Glance
BookLoot Unboxing April 2017 Victorian at a Glance Sherlock bookmarks from Behind the Pages Pride & Prejudice Coloring Pages by Mrs....

Lost In A Book (A YA Book Review)
Lost In a Book by Jennifer Donnelly This was an enjoyable story! I read it after seeing the new Beauty and the Beast movie (which I...

Wayfarer (A YA Book Review)
Wayfarer by Alexandra Bracken 3.5/5 stars I enjoyed this book more than Passenger. With Passenger I reached a point where I felt the...