The Last of August (A YA Book Review)
The Last of August by Brittany Cavallaro
The Last of August picks up where A Study in Charlotte left off. Charlotte Holmes and Jamie Watson are on their Winter Break, after their debacle of a fall semester. After spending time with Jamie’s mother in London, they head to Sussex in order to spend time with Charlotte’s family. However, Charlotte’s family has secretes and rivalries, and soon they find themselves in the midst of an art forgery ring when Charlotte’s beloved Uncle Leander is kidnapped.
I liked this story, but not quite as much as I liked A Study in Charlotte. It’s a bit slower paced, and more detailed with the art forgery bits. I liked that Charlotte was clean in this book as well. One of the complex bits was the resurfacing of August Moriarty and the stop and go progression of Holmes’ and Watson’s relationship, given her past revelations in book one.
Overall, I still enjoyed this book and will read the last book, which I think comes out in 2018. 4 out of 5 stars