Superman: Dawnbreaker | A YA Book Review
Superman: Dawnbreaker, DC Icons Book 4 by Matt de la Pena 4/5 stars I read all of the DC Icons books (disappointed from the get-go with...
When the Sky Fell on Splendor | A YA Book Review
When the Sky Fell on Splendor by Emily Henry 5/5 stars This book is magical. Full disclosure, I love all of Emily Henry’s books. She’s...
A Question of Holmes | A YA Book Review
A Question of Holmes (Charlotte Holmes #4) by Brittany Cavallaro 5/5 stars When I read the third book in this series, a friend and I both...
The Wicked King | A YA Book Review
The Wicked King by Holly Black 3.5 out of 5 stars. I was slightly disappointed with this. I loved Cruel Prince and am a Holly Black fan...