What's An Indie Author?
In this video I discuss a bit of the differences between being a self-published indie author versus an indie author working with an...

Indie Tips: Social Media
Three tips for indie authors navigating social media. Marketing is important for an indie author, so how can you market yourself and your...

My First Experience With ARCs
As an indie author it can be difficult to get your book in front of readers. In this video I discuss my first attempt at using ARCs...

Ingram Spark: POD Services for Indie Authors
This video is a long one at almost fifteen minutes, but it details my experience using Ingram Spark POD for the first time from upload to...

What Is Canva?
Have you heard of Canva already? If not you need to check it out: www.canva.com. This is a tool that every indie author needs in their...
How to Find Writing Inspiration
5 tips to find writing inspiration! So-called writer's block is just a blockage to creative flow. Try one of these strategies to refocus...
Who Are You?
As my YouTube channel and readership grows, I realized I should tell you a little bit more about the woman behind the camera! Hint: I am...
NaNo Now What? 3 Tips For After Winning NaNoWriMo
You did it! You wrote 50,000 words in 30 days. Now that the writing frenzy is over, you may be asking yourself: What do I do now? I've...